It's Complicated 🙁 Need Advice


*TMI Warning*

Alright, so I've been eager to concieve for a while now and I was starting to give up hope until I found glow. My boyfriend and I are both 20 years old. We are on our own doing our own thing.

We started having unprotected sex and maybe two weeks later he was going in for his first surgery.. He has cancer. But good news! A year down and the chemo and radiation is over, just check ups for now. During this year we just continued to be unprotected, figured if it happened it happened, we didn't expect it because either treatment was said could make infertile.. But then there's me, I have irregular periods. Or atleast I feel like it!

I will literally bleed almost the whole month, then when I get the heavy days, the like 3-4 day span that I call the real period 😂 I bleed so much in those days I have to wear tampons and pads because I'll have to change the tampon sometimes in an hour or less. I also actually get the "period symptoms" during those days than nothing all the rest. So I feel like I could be the culprit as well. I haven't seen a doctor about any of this, I'm still jumping that hurdle.

Do any of you have any advice for me? I would really appreciate it 😊

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My periods are like that as well ... when I went to my doctor she said it was because I had a cyst (fibroids can cause this problem too) and that was causing the problem I took medication to get rid of it my period went to just a 14 days for 2 months then it went back to the 18-28 days the shit is really annoying to be honest but I take vitex it's said to regulate your periods it a herb. But some times it's your diet and weight that can make you menstruals irregular ... best thing really is go to the doctor


Tia • Jul 25, 2017
And I take the vitex 3 times through the day


Tia • Jul 25, 2017
Vitex along with prenatal and multivitamin and also drink healthy cycle tea by traditional medicinals


Sandra • Jul 25, 2017
whats the name of the herbs you are drinking? thanks in advance.