Prayers for baby - Week 39


As promised each week I will share the weekly prayer from "Praying Through your Pregnancy". I pray this is a blessing to at least one person. "Dear Lord, I come to this week with praise in my heart. I know that in Nehemiah it says that Your gracious hand is upon me. I know You will bless this delivery, Lord. I know that my labor will be manageable and You will be with me the whole time. Please take away any fear that I may have, and help this baby to come quickly and safely. You are a great and powerful God. I know that if I praise You, You will rain down Your blessings from above. I believe that You are the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. This is a new beginning for my baby, for our family. We praise You for this wonderful gift. Thank You. In Jesus’ name. Amen."