Whitney • 29yo, TTC #1, Cycle 2

I'm currently 8DPO and I fell asleep twice during the day, but now I've been in bed for almost FOUR hours just laying here. I literally feel like I am WIDE AWAKE! I finally caved and took Benadryl due to my arm breaking out in hives anyway. I've got bad allergies so that's nothing alarming.

Tested at 7DPO too, of course it was negative 😂

My other symptoms are very light twinges of cramps off and on all day, and I swear I smelled natural gas in our backyard last night and I made my bf get out of bed to smell it and he said he didn't smell anything. I double check and then it was gone. 😳🤷🏻‍♀️

Also I am ALWAYS HOT even though it's like 67 in our house!!