Anyone else just "know" your pregnant?

I feel crazy even writing this but I'm now 5 days late for my period and I have had the weirdest symptoms I've ever experienced! I know some things can be "all in our heads" or we can make ourselves feel sick from stress but I have had multiple things I just can't make up! Light cramping I've never felt before, sharp belly button pain, 3 days of light brown discharge instead of period, dull aching lower back pain all day, and complete loss of appetite. I have never had any of these symptoms before!!

I have taken so many tests because I feel almost obsessed at this point because I have never felt this way and my body just feels odd.

I've gotten multiple BFNs and then when I took them back out every single test so far has had an evap line. I had a faint positive show up yesterday within 2-3 minutes and I had one today also! Do you think its possible I can still be pregnant and it still be early to show up on test?

I think I'm going to give it until this weekend and test again and if it's not blatantly BFP then go get blood work done. Any advice?! I am going crazy here!!!