Alaska Rosa-Leigh arrived unexpectedly 7/15/17
I'm no good at writing but here we go:

My day started off perfectly normal, I didn't feel any different or notice any differences. I had just had a doctors appointment on the 13th and we had planned my induction for July 25th (my due date was August 1st). She did my group B and checked my cervix and there had been no changes in two weeks. (I had lost my mucus plug exactly two weeks prior). It was supposed to be a weekend of just me, my boyfriend, and his son relaxing before baby came. We spent the day helping my family pack to go camping and then spent the rest of the night watching movies and playing games. Neither of us were tired so after his son fell asleep we decided to watch another movie.
About 2:50am my boyfriend paused the movie and went out for one last cigarette and I laid down on the couch and started dozing off. 5 minutes later he comes back in and I sat up a little to make room for him and suddenly felt this warm liquid gushing out of me. Not knowing what to think I looked at him and said "either I'm peeing myself a lot of my water just broke". There was so much, I left a trail to the bathroom. He immediately started running around packing and getting his son up to go to grandmas house while I changed and sat down. The cramping started immediately and 10 minutes later I started having excruciating contractions in my back and hips.
Originally I wanted to go unmedicated but those contractions were coming like crazy. We got to the hospital and they checked to make sure my water had broken (which irritated the crap out of me considering I was in pain and just wanted medicine and to lay down) confirmed it had broken and checked my cervix. Still at 2cm. They transferred me to a labor room and started getting my IV and monitors ready.
The contractions were coming on top of each other and after an hour they checked me again and I was at 5cm suddenly. They immediately called in the lady to do my epidural as I was crying and yelling. It took them 20 minutes to finally get my epidural in and once it was everything was amazing, I couldn't feel a single thing below my waist.
Then my IV fell out of my vein and my blood pressure started dropping quickly. My veins were collapsing and they couldn't get my IV back in. After 20 more minutes of being poked they decided to put it in my wrist (which hurt like hell, I cried) and then pumped me with fluids.
Now my water broke at 3am, 9:30am comes and the doctor finally shows up and checks my cervix again and I'm at 10cm. I didnt have the urge to push so they decided to let me sleep until 11 and then we would push as long as baby and I are doing well. I of course couldn't sleep and was getting scared so I just laid there.
11am comes and now its time to push. By this point I could feel the contractions in my left hip and it was awful, but everything else was completely numb. I don't remember much about pushing other than I thought I was going to puke and I kept telling my boyfriend that I couldn't do this anymore. Finally, after 30 minutes I felt a little pop and they were placing my baby girl on my chest.
I held my breath until I heard her cry, which felt like forever. I had minimal tearing of my labia and no complications.
Alaska Rosa-Leigh was born 7-15-17 at 11:33am weighing 6lbs 15oz and 20in long.

I have never been so in love before
Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.