Did I made the right choice?


When and how did you tell your familly you were sexually active? Did you lie about it for a wild or were you honest when they asked. So I'm 17 and I had my first time a little wild ago with my boyfriend. Before It happend I would be honest telling them no worries nothing happend and then for a wild after I would lie because it was kind of easier but he is coming to my camp this summer and my familly was wondering were he would sleep. A friend of my familly was wondering why we wouldn't sleep in the same bed(she knows its normal). The discution continued and it got harder and harder to lie so i and up saying the truth. I had to tell my grand mother when she asked me cause she would find out anyways so i didn't wanna lie to her. She thinks its to young but I know its not. Should i have lied to there face too evoid some drama or its them who have to accept it?