aspen rose mcchesney !


our baby girl Aspen is finally here! she's officially 6 days old (wish I could have posted earlier - it's been pretty hectic)

here's my lil birth story:

I went overdue to 41 weeks3days and had a scheduled induction for firday July 14th at 7:30am. The day before was my our 4 year wedding anniversary and I was so upset and hormonal (literally crying at the smallest things) all day because I was nervous for the induction, and felt sad nothing had gone to plan/couldn't do anything for our anniversary. that night I went to bed around 1am because of nerves I had a hard time sleeping. at 3:39am I woke up to alot of diacharge, an unusual amount and went to clean up. came back to bed and all of a sudden I got the worst back pain I've ever experienced. I got up again and went into the other room and had 3 contractions (all in my back). immediately started timing them and right from the first one they were 1:30 long and 5-6min apart.

I told my husband and then went straight for our shower, the hot water helped sooth the pain a little although I was still groaning and breathing through them. around 4:45 thomas called the midwife and she said to come in. I cried at the thought of leaving the shower, but I got out and in the car by 5. we sped to the hospital and straight up to maternity ward. she checked me and I was already at 6cm (2 days earlier I was at 3cm). I requested the epidural because I couldn't handle this much pain if it would be hours longer. they sent for it and the midwife gave me fetenal and gas to help.

by this time the midwife was concerned for the baby because her heartrate wasn't coming back up enough after each contraction. so they put a little probe thing into her head to see if they could get a better reading. so before the epidural arrived the pain was shifting from lower back to tailbone and midwife checked me again, she said "your already at 10cm!" so they cancelled the epidural and I started pushing at 7am ish. the pushing was great they said, but the baby was posterior (facing the wrong way) and was stuck on my pelvis. they considered a c section because of her heartrate problem, but since I was still managing to push her tiny little bits at a time they tried a vacuum, and it popped off. then they went in and grabbed her with the forceps and my baby girl was born at 8:01am!!


8lbs 15oz, 21cm long + the most beautiful little thing I've ever seen 💕