MC at 13wks 1 day


My husband and I barely started trying and I got pregnant right away but then it was gone in what feels like a blink of an eye. I was just entering into my second trimester and couldn't have been more excited. The cramping started Sunday night and I woke up at 1am bleeding heavily (it was pain and bleeding I had never experienced before) I knew what was happening and was so scared but my husband stayed hopeful and kept me believing. We waited to go to the doctors until the morning. I already had an appt schedule and had been looking forward to it because I was going to get to see my little bean again.

My heart is heavy and these past couple days have been rough. I just want the mild cramping and bleeding to stop already so I can start healing. It is a reminder I can't handle right now. Yesterday I kept busy all day so I wouldn't have to think about my loss. Today I can't get myself out of bed. I'm trying to take it day by day but this road is rough.