When will it happen

Been trying to have a baby for 10 years now first 4 years was to a previous partner and I had 5 miscarriages and a eptopic pregnancy where I lost one of my tubes, I have had loads of test done at hospital where they found I had slight under active thyroid so they put me on medication for that and said next time I should have a successful pregnancy that's was all in 2012 me and my partner split and I am now with the man of my dreams who I have been with for 6 years I finally got pregnant in Feb this year only to miscarry once again we went to Corfu in June this year and my period was due a week after we got home but when we was on flight I started bleeding slightly which I thought was my period and it lasted for about 4-5 days which is normal for me but then it stopped and started again the day I was due on. And now my next period was due Monday 17th July and it's no where to be seen I have done a cheapo pregnancy test but it was negative I have been feeling sick a lot going to the loo a lot and put on a bit of weight any ideas !!!!! How long should I wait before going to doctors to see where my period is