HELP!!! How to respond to a SC selfie with no words?!


Soooooo! there's this guy who is super sweet (and hot)! The first day we snapchatted, he had a real conversation with me, but now all he sends is selfies! Like i'm not complaining they're hot lol but I want to get to know him!!!! I don't know if I need some good convo starters or like if I just need to be straight forward?! (which I really don't wanna be lol) I'm not looking for a casual relationship. I want it to be like kind of serious at least. I know he's a good guy (we have mutual friends) and all and he doesn't seem to be one of those that literally send selfies 24/7 but that's what he's doing!!!! How do I respond to that?😂 I don't wanna send selfies all day with no words! help me please 🙂🙂🙂