Try to stay positive


Okay we have all been here.... I really try not to complain but its so frustrating!

So many people getting pregnant no problem and for many of us nothing. I take my temp, take ov tests, take drugs, get 3 sonograms in a week, record CM religiously, time BDing correctly, have been tested, husband tested, been to infertility clinic (no procedures yet bit it's coming), and nothing happens.

Here I am in my TWW with a week to go and of course am back to "feeling" all kinds of "symptoms." Optimistic because my BBT hasn't super plummeted yet... knowing that lets be real.... I'm making these symptoms out of nothing. Then to hear your cousin is pregnant and your aunt say, "they weren't even going to start trying until

Now and now they are almost three months pregnant." Obviously no problem there.

Okay end rant... I honestly have a great fulfilling life... I'm just ready for a baby!