Males are something else


Okay so I got a job at a bar and Monday night was my first night... I did soooooo good my sales were higher than other girls and I am NEW to being a server and such so tonight and Monday my feedback was amazing! I'm so proud of myself.

Okay that's not the point in this though...

So Monday night my guys cousin comes in and doesn't even know me, hardly even my name.. get this... my Guy LB asks him to go to New Orleans next weekend and the dude says "I've got two girls that want to go with us then!" LB says uhhh no girls but who you talking about? Well the guy says my name and my trainers name and LB died out laughing.. this man ( the cousin) didn't talk to me, I didn't wait on him, I literally only said " y'all have a good night!" When I left bc we were closed completely and "do you need another beer" my only TWO. I REPEAT TWO sentences I said to the man and he was including me in some mini vacay I knew nothing about until LB said something. I instantly wanted to quit bc hell no change my name, I'm married, I have 12 kids, whatever to not be included in anything with any other guy trying to ruin what I have😂😂😂 LB said "mannnnn, you're talking bout my girl, we've been a thing, she's been living with me for the past 3 weeks and blah blah about details laughing his ass off and me doing the same. Moral of the story is guys are crazy, smile in their direction when you work at a certain type of establishment and you're apart of things you don't know about 😂😂😂 LB and I both laughed our asses off (after he questions me on it of course) but i honestly don't understand why I was including in his world of delusion it makes me wonder about a lot of guys and the things they say for sure now that I have experienced (nonsexual) bullshit to my name on top of sexual shit I was unaware of 😂😂😂 LB came to see me tonight and rode with his cousin and the cousin NEVER spoke other than "ayeeee we got trouble in the house tonight" I laughed, agreed( bc obviously I Know I am 💁🏽), and went on with MY JOB 😂 boyyyyyyyy we got in my car to leave and I had to laugh and tell LB how funny it was to see the dudes face when I went to hug him and how funny it was to think about all of it.