You were my person.


To any one that has ever watched Grey's anatomy knows what I mean. I'm about to get really personal.

I have that person who I thought was my Christina and Meredith duo. That one life long companion. Ride or die, go to person. The talking all night, bad mouthing you enemies, special kind of person. My absolute Bestfriend.

We have been inseparable since 6th grade. She was the quiet one and I was the loud one. Well I became the quiet one once high school came and she became the loud mouth. I dated a guy she dated his Bestfriend, that guy was my first love and everything. She felt like he was her brother. Well I broke up with that guy senior year. She had long on cheated on her then boyfriend with someone who has been nothing but wrong for her. I am in a healthier relationship that has changed me for the better, the guy I want to marry. Yet she's still stuck in the person who is destroying her.

This guy was not liked by her family, was not liked by her friends or any one. She always chose him over everyone. He is a drug addict and doesn't seek help for it. His own family doesn't even try to help him.

Well right now he is her ex boyfriend and currently has a new girlfriend. She is sleeping with him. He's done this to her. He would use her as an ATm and she would say he was the reason she never had money. She makes over 1000 a week. Should be able to live on her own and support herself. Yet she's hundreds of dollars in debt.

Fast forward a little bit. She can't see the error in her ways recently sleeping with a married man ( has three kids and one on the way) I failed to tell her it was wrong. Failed to tell her she doesn't have morals. I just failed her as a friend. She couldn't even tell me she was in drugs continuously until recently. Where did I go wrong? Not making her feel that she could tell me these things. We use to be so close. She use to be able to tell me these things. Now she feels like she can't. She can't because I guess she's right. The fact is that there is no trust. The one thing that set me off was her bragging that she went and slept with her ex multiple times. She doesn't even care or feel remorse how his girlfriend might feel. She's truly only carding about herself and thinks it's making her happy. She's lying to her family. The people I felt were my second family.

I'm no better person than she is but cheating and doing drugs is nothing I condone. She has so much potential. Is a beautiful artist who doesn't doesn't know her potential. Doesn't even give herself the credit. I want to be that person she cries to but she is letting her poor life choices get in the way of her good ones. It's destroying any possibilities of who she can be. I want more for her than she wants for herself. If being the other women the rest of her life is worth it then I have to walk away for me. Can't be there for her when she can't even be there for herself.

This is a lot to read but I have told her this all today, way more in depth but you get the point. I hope none of you ever come to this point with your person. It's very hard.