Commemorating Lost Baby


Hello all....

my brother and his wife are currently pregnant with twins. Twin A, Clara, is doing very well and the doctors see no issue. Twin B, however, is struggling. The prognosis isn't good. The doctors say that even if he does make it to term he will not survive. He has very severe complications.

Everyday he kicks is precious because it means he is still with us. We all know that his time with us is limited and so we are doing everything we can to talk to the twins and try and not mourn until he is gone.

My question is this; do you have any ideas on how to commemorate him. I would like something that could be done for both twins with their names and such.

When I lost my baby it was still very early on and my partner and I simply named her as a way to always remember her but I would like to do something more for my brother and his wife.

I am open to any and all ideas you guys might have. It won't ease the pain, it won't take away the hurt but i still would like them to have something real and tangible of the baby they wont be able to bring home.