Exhausted & Upset


So my fiancee and I just started living together earlier this month and everything is going great! I already had a daughter from a previous relationship who's now 4 months old and my fiancee and her are just inseparable, he doesn't think of her a step daughter, that's is his little girl and he will tell you that every time!

Well since we just started having sex like 2 months ago, lately I've become so exhausted, sick, with the weirdest symptom's I decided to go get a blood pregnancy test done, alone. I told my honey he didn't need to come with, so I just took my daughter and went and got it done. Well from 3:30-4:55 I was a nervous wreck!! Constantly texting my honey, he tries to keep me calm by telling me how much he loves me and if I was pregnant that he would be so excited! I decided to stop and have a small bite of lunch with my grandparents at McDonalds since I don't eat out very often. As I was leaving, I got a call I was hoping for to only find out news I didn't know I didn't want to hear.. it was negative. I couldnt believe how upset I was, I nearly cried on the drove home. Well my sadness turned to anger real fast when I walked in my front door, why? No idea! He wanted answers and pounding me with questions, I finally snapped and told him to leave me alone for awhile! So after I put my daughter in her crib, I Walked outside and smoked.(Vape)

The part that makes me wonder is, How did I not know I wanted another baby until I heard the test result?

Makes you wonder about yourself!