Feeling blah


I have gender disappointment. This is my second child and it's another boy. My husband only wants two. I was in the mindset of 'if we have one of each than 2 is good but open to a third if this one is a boy'. So now not only am I upset I'm also gonna be torn with my husband for the next however many years until either I give up or he gives in. It doesn't help that this pregnancy has been miserable and the thought of doing it again isn't thrilling me either. I'm just overall bummed and can't go the rest of my pregnancy like this. Maybe it's deeper than the gender and it's just adding to whatever funk this pregnancy has me in. I just want to be happy like I was with my first. It's like I have postpartum depression early or something. It sucks. Summer is usually my safe time when nothing can get me down.