Am I in the wrong here? (Description)

🪐 E.T 🪐

So me and my boyfriend are still young and it will be a couple of years until we get a house together but we talk about it often.

Today he mentioned that his mum would want a key for our house and I was like what?... I don't want anyone to have a key who doesn't live here; not my family, not his family. They literally have no reason to! If they want to come over, we can just let them in. I honestly don't think anyone should turn up unannounced anyway. I feel like I'd constantly feel on edge in my own home because they could just walk in🙄 I like being naked or just in my underwear while I'm home and there's no way I could do that with his mother having a key 😂

Am I wrong here? There's absolutely no need for it in my opinion. I'd love to hear what other people thought.

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