This boss of mine...

Sto • Still trying to figure it all out... 🎬💏

A few years ago, still at my old job, a guy comes along. Turns out he's our colleague that has a separate business in the same area. Immediately, I fell for him and his amazing smile. Ever since we met occasionally, and sometimes we would chat while he was waiting to pick his stuff. I always had a feeling we were totally compatible. I used to have dreams about him.

However, I never acted on any of these because I knew he had a serious girlfriend.

Later, a few months after I quit my job, he asked me if I wanted to work for him. DID I WANT TO?! Sure as hell. The first few months were the worst. I had to figure out a way to stay focused around him. After that, everything went smoothly. The dreams had stopped, I didn't even found him that attractive anymore. Until the other day...

Now, I feel super awkward.. 😥 Like I have to start all over again.

Not fair... :(