Favorite Child

I'm in college and about to start my junior year. my older brother just graduated college. He's about 3 years older than me and has always, since the day i was born, been the favorite child. He wants to stay out until 2 am? no problem. i want to stay out past 11? get yelled at when i get home. this isn't because of the age difference, because we are both adults now, and he's been able to do this since high school and now after 2 years of college i still get yelled at. this is only one of many examples. they gave him a car his junior year of high school and to this day i still do not have a car, i share one with my mom. starting this upcoming semester i am taking a class that requires me to drive to it, and yet my parents still have not told me that i can take the car to school, they keep asking "how are you going to get to class?" and after all of this they wonder why i never come home when i'm at school. one reason is obvious, i have no way of getting home other than someone driving 4 hours to come get me, and the other reason is that i don't want to go "home" to a family that doesn't appreciate, respect, or even like me very much. (my family is even house hunting for my brother so they can buy him one). how do i make my family treat me more equally and at least pretend they like me? yes, i want a car at school and that would be one way of treating me equally, but it's not just about that, i just feel like my family doesn't want me and it's affecting my other relationships (other examples of unfair treatment and favoritism include them taking him to vegas in september, my dad taking him to washington every time he goes to visit my uncle, my dad taking him to see the ncaa final four every year and whenever i ask to go he says no he's taking my brother, and a bunch of other small things that are just super hurtful)