Bleeding during sex

chloecc • 20 yr old👑 My siblings are my world; Ledley Thomas•25.04.13💙 Harry Wesley•10.08.16💙 Neve Jessica•20.06.18💛

Ok, so i have a boyfriend of nearly 2 years (In December) and we lost our virginity to each other in May 2015. Since then we have frequently had sex, obviously not too often but there has never been long periods of time we don't have sex.

So last night after we had gone out for alcoholic drinks (don't know whether that'll be important or not) we got back and decided to have sex, everything was fine we fore played and we'd already had sex, when we decided to swap positions, tmi i know but we were in the "downward dog" position, when he proceeded to thrust. When he all of a sudden stopped, and said your bleeding, however my period had stopped a week ago, and the blood was dripping out, and i was heavily bleeding, and the blood was bright red, and wasn't like my usual period blood. I wasn't in any pain, however it has concerned me, it continued to bleed it must've been about half an hour to an hour after the incident, but when i woke up i had stopped bleeding and i wasn't bleeding today at all. If anyone could tell me what could be wrong here, just because it really concerned me, and my boyfriend as well. It would be much appreciated, also this was so embarrassing for me to post so yeah?