Wanting to regain the relationship.

Alright so I'm a dude in highschool; going into junior year, looking for the opinions of all you ladies. I hope you guys don't mind me for being on this app meant only for girls. So I'm sorry if I upset some of y'all.

So I'm in a bit of a dilemma, my ex of one year broke it off with me about 3 months ago. I was the perfect boyfriend, (this is coming from her) but she just lost feelings for me. So she spared me from having to be in a fake relationship and I'm glad she did. She wasn't perfect, but she was exactly what I wanted in a partner. She made me happy, encouraged me to be the best person I could be, toughened me up to not take people's crap, taught me not to follow the crowd and do what makes me happy. Taught me so many more life lessons I'll take to the grave.

I know 3 months isn't enough time to completely move on but I still love her. I might be young but I know that what I'm feeling is love. I've accepted the fact that she broke it off, I'm no longer hurt by it. We've remained friends, we still talk to each other but as much as I want to respect her wishes I want her back. I can't look at her and not have my heart flutter like it did when we were together. I love her, and I want her to be happy, so if it isn't with me I shouldn't bother and let her go. Although I keep telling myself that, I want to fight for her. So this is my dilemma, do I do the rational thing, give up and move on or do I do the irrational and fight for her even though the odds are stacked against me (I would fight for her until we graduate at the very most or maybe, idk)? Is there maybe another option I'm missing?

I'm just so conflicted, cause I want to take the leap and fight but I don't want to ruin our friendship cause I want her in my life. But it's High school, so what should I do?

Thank you all for hearing me out and my problems. I hope y'all have a wonderful day. 💜