Pcos Rant


Why is it that every doctor that I see wants to put me on birth control. I've had PCOS since I was 19. The doctor didn't tell me much about it. Just said that I have cysts on my ovaries and gave me birth control and sent me on my way. I didn't think much of it then. Now that I want to have a kid cuz I'm 24 about to be 25, with a man that I want to spend the rest of my life with, I'm having such a hard time coping with the idea that it's going to be hard. Because now I decided to do research about my condition.

I've had one MC already at 8w two years ago and it took me a long time to even think of trying again. It was hard on me and I still cry about it. I've been off of birth control for a year now an af was arriving on time with only a few days off, I had lots of hope that I could conceive natural and in April I talked with my SO and wanted to try again. Missed my window in April so I decided to track the next cycle at the beginning of May. I Still haven't gotten AF and I went to my doctor and found out I have several cysts on both ovaries. I cried I lot. My SO is about to deploy for 9 months. We were hoping to try and conceive naturally before he leaves. I feel like I've given all hope cuz so far the past 3 doctors wants to put me in BC because I'm young. They advise me to wait. Sorry for the long rant. I need to get this off my chest. My SO try's to understand and does he best to cheer me up. But know how badly he wants to be a father and it breaks my heart every time I see him get all giddy when we watch my godson. Thanks for reading.

I'm open to any advise on how to cope. I've been distracting myself with work and knitting,