Pre-Deployment Stress, Rant, & ?'s

I am making this anonymous for obvious reasons, however my husband is leaving in 2 months for Pre-Deployment training. Instead of the standard month for ITX his CO wants everyone to stay 2 months. Him and I are middle school sweethearts, and I was there through the whole boot camp & school process. I guess... I felt more emotionally & mentally prepared for boot camp & MCT compared to the state of mind that I am in now. His deployment keeps getting pulled closer & they keep extending the length of time that they will be gone. I am not near our family (I lived with my IL's when he went to boot camp), but I do have tons of friends here. I don't have children yet, and we have been TTC for nearly a year now. Seven months without him feels like such a long time to me right now, so my anxiety is slowly catching up to me. Have any of you talked to the base counselor when your husband was gone? I have already seen her, but I'm wondering if it would be "weird" if I utilized counseling when he was gone?