Pregnancy symptoms or just Aunt Flo


Trying hard not to get to emotionally involved in our latest efforts to conceive! I turned 40 in April, and have two active boys who are 6 and 2.

I'm roughly two days away from my next cycle, but I have been having such odd physical feelings and symptoms! Since we have battled infertility before each of my boys we're conceived, I don't do pregnancy tests till I'm late!

That being said, any other mommas who are pregnant or ttc after 40, have you noticed any differences to earlier pregnancies? I've felt some nausea most every day this week, bloating, and mild cramping. Plus, my hormones are causing me to just be a bear, lol. That's something I remember happening before both of my other pregnancies! I could just take a test, but I don't want to feel that letdown if it's negative.

A bit of a ramble, but I was just curious!