Sleep question??

Clarissa • Mama

Okay, Olive has given us a run for our money when it comes to sleep.

The first two(ish) months she NEVER SLEPT AND ALWAYS CRIED NONSTOP because we didn't know she was allergic to cows milk AND had reflux. It was painful. For all of us.

At 2ish months she was put on Zantac and Nutramigen (non dairy formula) and got better. She slept, but woke up once or twice through the night to eat.

Jump to 4ish months, she could fall asleep pretty much on her own after her night routine (since she cried so much during the day and never napped). She would sleep all night until I woke her up to eat at 7am-ish, then would sleep again until 10-11a.

Here we are a little over 6 months and sleeping is impossible. She doesn't want to nap still and still cries a ton (her doctor says it's teething but homegirl has no signs of teeth actually showing up anytime soon) so she /should/ be tired. We do the night routine and she sings really loud to keep herself awake, flaps her arms like a bird, and kicks her feet. That's cute until we get serious about bedtime and she screams and screams. I rock her, let her try to put herself asleep, try basically any normal thing to help her calm down.

Her doctor (again) says it's probably teething and to rub a wet washcloth in her teeth but she does not like that which makes things worse. Gripe water does nothing but makes her choke so we don't use that. We use Tylenol when I know it's teething issues, but I'm very sure that's not what it is at night- it's just that she's over tired and will not sleep.

Once she finally does sleep, when she wakes in the middle of the night it's like immediate screams. I just don't understand.

Is she afraid? Her crib is next to our bed still because putting her in her own room was even worse.

I feel like I'm doing something wrong 😔

Is anyone else going through similar things or have any advice??

Oh and here's a pic of her actually sleeping for good measure (she doesn't sleep with blankets- I was sitting right next to her awake).