The things I miss out on

Sonia • 👼 Levi A 👼 Eli Alfonso I have two babys in heaven. Due to having a incompident cervix. My first baby that I don't know the sex my little angel miscarriage week 8. My second Eli born at 20 week. I miss them both so much. I want kids more then anything.

July/Agu is The worst months for me. I have 2 baby's in heaven one that passed in the first weeks of pregnancy and The other late in pregnancy .My first baby was due in The end of this month to The start of the next 2 years ago. when I lost that baby I was broken. then when I found out I was pregnant again I thought God heard me. he heard The pain I was going thru and he thinks I would be amazing mother so he blessed me ones again. but on July 22 my son was born to early and passed away in his father's arms 30 min after he was born. it been 2 years since that day and my heart hurts just like it did that day. I can't help but to think of all the things I missed all the thing they should be doing and are not. I would give anything to have them here to throw them a birthday party. to see my baby's so like I said July and August to me are months where I did not lose just one of my baby's but 2.