Strict fertility Doctor & medications


After going though the D&C; procedure for my missed miscarriage on the 28th March 2017, I started tracking everything which I took for granted previously thinking that getting pregnant is easy task.

So this picture is my recording for my period, ovulation date (according to the clearblue digital ovulation kit).

The doctors examine me internally and saw that I have eggs in my ovaries but they are all less than 10mm, I saw it says about 8mm when he tries to measure.

So he told me that I am not ovulating and my eggs are not mature/healthy.

However good news is my lining is normal, not too thin or thick.

(I was trying to tell him that maybe my egg is in the process of maturing since my cycle date is longer and what I understand is the egg will grow 2mm each day until the day I ovulate)

So meaning to say that I have about 10-12 days for my egg to mature, right? - but the doctor couldn't care less, he stop me by saying cycle days doesn't matter.


He gave me this medication to take for my next cycle, starting on the 2nd day of my next period for 5 days. And schedule an appointment for him to examine my egg on the CD 8-9.

Anyone familiar with this above medication/method?

He explained to me that this is to help with the growth of my egg with 50% success rat, the downside of taking this medication is it might cause my lining to be thinner which will contribute to the 50% failure.

My husband is concerned about it, wouldn't want to trigger another problem (lining thickness) by trying to solve one problem (healthy eggs).

Also, the doctor prescribes me this medication to be taken once a day to control my glucose.

I'm not diabetes but from the previous miscarriage, we did a blood test and my result was on the higher than Normal but not yet consider diabetic.

I've research on this medication and it is made for type 2 diabetic patients.

Haih. I'm starting to take all these synthetic medication and I am so so worried that it will have side effects and lead to something else.

Anyone in similar situation? Care to share any thoughts?

The doctor was telling me that when I don't get pregnant after next cycle with the 5 days medication, we will go for injection or <a href="">IVF</a>.

I am 28 years old this year and my husband is 29. We are both fairly healthy, no complication in our health.

The doctor I'm seeing is the best and has the most advance machine in my city. He handles lots of complicated deliveries and ppl seek consultation from him for fertility issues.

I'm fine with him, just that he doesn't listen and always just tell me what to do because he knows the best (and he knows he is the best in town).

I'm not sure what to do, everyone including my parents asked us to get chill and let it happen naturally (not taking all this medications)

But I can't. I can't wait any longer.

😔 I'm not sure what to get from posting this entry here, just want to find a place to rant so I can feel a little better.

Today I'm on CD 9, will start using my ovulation text around CD 12 and towards CD20/21 when I usually ovulate.

Hope that my egg will mature and I can get pregnant naturally without relying on the medication in my next cycle.

😟 anyone has any story or similar situation to share?