2 yr old screams bloody murder...

Snow • Shorty, Jay, MT, Serenity ❤❤❤

every time it's nap time ...and not just cries or whines, he screams at the top of his lungs high pitch and doesn't stop. I don't know what to do. I've tried being calm, just laying him down and walking away. I've tried changing my tone and firmly saying "time to lay down, that's enough" (although idk how he can hear me.over his screaming), and I've tried just ignoring it. Nothing works, I'm about to loose it. not only does he scream like this at nap time but also any time he doesn't get his way. I am alone w the kids all day and even when my husband is off I do mostly everything still...and I'm overwhelmed and frustrated by his behavior...And he isn't screaming in pain or in need...He eats breakfast and lunch, we play, he gets changed, and than I lay him down....what can I do ?!?! 😪😫😫