Breastfeeding pain 😩 Any help?

My LO just turned 6 months and he's been very good with transitioning between bottle and breast. I usually breastfeed at night or whenever he refuses the bottle. He's a VERY nosey baby and he's teething. The other day he bit down on my nipple and I unlatched him, when he latched back on he did the same thing after 10 seconds or so.

I thought no problem because he's done it before. He favors the right breast because it produces the most milk so a day goes by and my nipple is a little tender but nothing outrageous. He was breastfeeding one night and my boyfriend said something and my son turned to look at him and pulled my nipple. He kept looking around and getting distracted- pulling my nipple each time. I had gotten a shower, put him to bed by breastfeeding and fell asleep.

A few hours later I woke up with the worst pain I had felt in a long time. It was like a razor was slicing the inside of my breast. A electric shocks were also swimming around. It actually made me cry in agony.

I don't want to stop breastfeeding but that was so painful and he's never done it before to that extent. What can I use to help calm my nipple? Or to have him chill with the biting?