Postpartum or Depression?


My daughter is now 6 months and every since she turned 3 months I've been trying to get myself so that I may find a job. I've been ready to go back to work however I don't have a job. I also don't have a car so you guess can only imagine 6 months of being stuck in the house with a newborn not having no money and no way to get out the house. It's been so hard looking for a job and even harder being a SAHM(I commend those moms that stay home and take care their kids). I don't have no me time and I can't just do whatever I please whenever I please. It's now starting to weigh down on me because I'm not use to being this "boxed in". I have to depend on my SO for everything and it makes me feel worse. I sucks. As crazy as it sounds I hate going anywhere as a family because I can't get things I want and if he wants to get me anything I'm not comfortable with it. Let's not mention all of my close friends have jobs and don't have time to hang out with so I have no one to talk to. Since my daughter was born I would FaceTime my best friend (who have a one year old) and we would talk all day but she just started working today so I just feel like I'm stuck and I'm hating it. Anyone going through this? Anyone else need another mom friend?? I'm here