
I had a miscarriage In March. at my first appt my husband and I were so excited but I felt something wasn't right and I was right. when they did the ultra sound the tech didn't say anything and my heart was pounding my Dr came in and said maybe I'm not 8 weeks or I could be miscarrying she said we would check In a week. we rechecked I saw what looked like a baby then again she said i was miscarrying it broke my heart into two. my husband and I were destroyed she said we could schedule a d&c; or we could wait it out. since the only symptom I had was light spotting off and on I decided to pray and wait but I ended up miscarrying.. it was the worst pain of my life. and so depressing, it still is. I was so excited. i had a period a month later it was long but not super different. I had been scared most of my life of not being able to conceive because I have hypothyroidism. my thyroid Dr reassured me I should be fine because I have it under control. till this day I'm not pregnant yet. I want to so bad but I also am still so scared and deep down I believe it hasn't happened because I'm not ready although like I said I want this so bad. any advice is greatly appreciated or experiences. I just need to vent so bad. I can't get over my loss and it's been about 4 and a half months. :( baby dust to all!!!