Whining about IUD (kyleena)


Had my Kyleena placed right at 2 months ago. Got it coming off the depo (was on depo for about 8 years) so I didn't have a period before it was placed, was spotting a bit beforehand but my cycles were super irregular so that doesn't mean much. So I don't actually know where in my cycle I am.

I still haven't had a period but every couple of weeks I get cramping. Not bad, just annoying, always only in the evenings, especially if I went for a hike or such an hour earlier. Worse if I walk around or lay on my stomach. Feels like the same cramps I had the day of and after it was placed.

The most annoying part is the cramping is super low, like pubic. Like my actual uterus hurts. I remember when I did cramp (before the depo) my cramping was way higher up in my abdomen.

And my breasts are arguably less sore then they were two weeks ago so I have no idea where I am in my cycle.

Anyone else feel like commiserating and whining?