Charting Gurus? 😊

Angela • Just found out I'm pregnant in my 40's, and as thrilled as I am. I'm a little terrified also. My husband doesn't have any children and I have a 16 yr old from my first marriage. Praying good things for each of you on this journey. Blessings. 💕😊

I would really love for someone with more knowledge than myself in the charting area to take a look at my charts and see if it looks like its improving any? I'm posting my current cycle and last month's cycle.

My cycles are normally 24 days, with a short luteal phase. I'm working with an acupuncturist currently. I'm not able to afford <a href="">IVF</a> at the moment. So trying all the natural methods that I can.

My obgyn is not really helpful and I'm waiting to get in to see a new one in mid-September. Any tips or info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.