Mini Pill


Hi. I've been on the lowest dose of hormones possible for BC pills for over a month now and I've been feeling awful every day since week 1. I've been incredibly moody every day and I've been crying every day over the littlest things. It's been awful. I've even started picking big arguments with my boyfriend weekly which I've hardly ever done unless it was really bad. (Bless my wonderful boyfriend for putting up with me like this.) we've been dating for a year and a half and he's never seen me like this since I've never actually been like this except much milder on my periods. I feel depressed and just not happy with things anymore. Just in general, not talking about my relationship. I feel insane and trapped! I was wondering if things were any better with the mini pill since it doesn't have as many hormones. I know it's the hormones causing me to act like this because I'm hardly ever this moody except for that time of the month. I have no desire to do anything anymore and this is coming from someone who was able to travel anywhere at anytime and have fun doing anything. I don't know what's going on. I know my gynecologist told me to just get through the first three months and then I should be fine but I don't know if I can. I can't handle thinking all these thoughts and being so mean and upset all the time. It's just not me and I've been having more panic attacks than I usually have. I need some advice on this and whether the mini pill would help, based on other experiences. I really need some advice on how I should handle this.