We did it fine WITHOUT YOU .

Briana • 7.19.16💙4.17.18💙3.21.21🤰🏼23 Years Old ❤️
Now , I've came to realize that for us single mothers we are automatic targets for men . We are the weak legged ones , the wounded ones , the desperate ones. They may think that but we , we are strong ones , independent ones , and learn to provide it by ourselves ones . I've never met a more causal smooth talking inconsistent vinimous snake in my life , he calls himself my sons father I call him the man who left me to provide everything for myself and child . He has this way of thinking that since nobody wants him I know she will , not true . I don't want you or your baggage , you're a poor excuse for a man . I don't want you or your excuses on how you could leave your child without anything without a penny to spare or even a simple "Has my child ate today?" many dead beat women themselves take these trash men that we call our "child's fathers" "deadbeats" "sperm donars" under their wing like they don't have one , or two or even more children that they don't care for& worship them it may take time but these "women" who have put these "men" on a pedistole will sooner or later come to realize they are no good & our child fathers that we have thrown away for our child's sake after years or months of abondoment come back with arms wide open when they have finally felt like they are not wanted or good enough . They think we all will bow down everytime just because they are the father of our children , I will never let nobody take that from me not even he, himself who he puts on a pedistole and calls himself my sons father . Motherhood met me young "Fatherhood " met him young .. But why , howcome it is our fault that you cannot love or provide? It is not . All because he has a smooth way or talking you won't and cannot take my strength from me . I've built myself into a woman at a young age of 18 , 19 , now 20 WITHOUT YOU my son your daughter our kids have made it fine WITHOUT YOU .