Symptoms.. advice.. tips??


Extremely emotional the other day over my coffee machine not working turned into crying my eyes out for hours and needed my fiancé just to calm down.

Extremely painful sensitive nipples out of no where then both breasts hurting even now they hurt even if I lean on them or move them to much.

Creamy CM right before the start of sex or even before he touched me.

Acne showed up pretty bad in two spots on my face and still haven't went away.

Having strong nauseous feeling early in the morning and even through out the day out of no where.

Strong cramps in my pelvic area that feel like they are hitting my back as well which leads me to not sleeping and being very uncomfortable. Mostly at night.

Extremely angry and annoyed at random times in the day that end up going towards my fiancé without me noticing.😔

Wanting to cry so badly when I'm sitting next to my fiancé and can't think of no simple reason why.

Very increased appetite when not nauseous.

Constipated and gassy.

Not sure what my body is going through or doing but trying to understand and be patient is becoming so challenging for me especially having negative/faint evap line test. Testing again tomorrow morning hoping it wasn't a evaporation line and was faint positive but FR will tell tomorrow. Anyone have any suggestions or tips that can help me get through my bad/crazy days? I try yoga any other tips not to let my emotions get out of hand when it happens?

Thank you in advance ladies☺️🤞🏼