After ectopic

Hey ladies . Just wanted to know if anyone else had this with them . So here's a little background . May 5,2017 I found out that I was pregnant I was 5 days late with my period . I went to the dr and I took a blood test and my results came back that I was pregnant but the only thing was my levels was going up but not doubling so they told me it wasn't looking to good and that I could possibly have an ectopic . I went very 3 days until May 17th when my dr called me and told me to go to the emergency room so they can take test and see what maybe going on . They looked and couldn't find a baby or sack so they treated me for an ectopic pregnancy with a methotrexate shot (2) . I started having sex with my fiancé about 2 weeks afters after . June 19th-23rd I got my period which was regular like all my other periods before the ectopic . (Yes I been having unprotected sex after my pd) my next period was supposed to come July 19 but it came 2 days early which was the 17th and to me it wasn't normal it started out small amounts and as the day went on it got alil heavier but not really and it was like old blood . So for two days I had light bleeding not enough to full up a pad I think. The 19 and 20th it just kept getting lighter to the point where I only changed my pad because I felt nasty wearing it all day even though there was barely nothing on it . And when I would use the bathroom and wipe it would be a pinkish color . And I don't have pregnancy symptoms . And I haven't taken a test . Did anyone experience something like this and was pregnant ? If so how did it turn out