Re solids and milk intake


Hi my bub just turned 6 months old and I have always been latching her on, I noticed my supply dropped recently and I started to look at how much she drinks everyday.

She does not want milk other than before naps or before bed and first thing in the morning. So I only have 5 chances to get her drink milk. She does not take 5oz each time ( especially when she drinks from the boobs, I don't think so at least). So she is not getting 25 oz a day.

We started solids about 3 weeks ago, she likes her food most of the time, only lunch and dinner , each meal about 2oz.

Shall I be worrying that she is not getting enough milk ? I read everywhere saying she needs her milk before 12 months, I am worried she is going to reduce the milk more and more, any tips from mama to encourage her drink?

Thanks and bless all yours bubs!