mourning for a baby that is still alive


last week me and my fiance found out that our little girl who i am currently 24 weeks pregnant with had wolf horshorone syndrome (4p) we where offered the option to terminate but we just couldnt do it, we have no idea what she will be like when she is born or if she will survive being born or what is going to happen i am so upset about it all we wanted was a healthy baby boy or girl didnt matter just our healthy little baby, it has been one thing after another this pregnancy, it is me and my fiances first we are both 19 and are going through so much, i lost my job at the beginning of my pregnancy and i was the one earning the big money my fiance is doing a tranieeship and getting under $900 for 2 weeks work, i havent been able to find a job, i have a rough relationship with my parents, we found out that it was going to be a high risk pregnancy because i have a cyst in my brain, at my 19 week scan they fnound a little bit of fluid near her heart which wasnt concerning but i got told to go to a specialist just to make sure, well they found a lot of fluid around the her heart and she was diagnosed with featal hidrops wich was a shock, they also did a amniosiesis to see if the baby was okay or if an infection was causing the hidrops, i was back the nect week for another ultrasounf and the fluid was gone it had completely dissapeared we where so relieveed but it was short lived, we where told that her heart is pushed to the right side of her chest wall and that the doctors thibk that she has a abdominal hernia that will require surgery when she is born, that was alright we could deal with that, then last week i get a call from the doctor the amniosieses results are back and apparently she has a genetic deformity of chromasone 4 and that i had to see the genetisist the next day , that is where they told us our little girl has wolf horshone syndrome and we are just crushed i thought being so young it would mean she would be healthy