FINALLY had my specialist appointment.


Back in 2015 on 30th December my partner and i lost our daughter at 21+ weeks she was still born.

Then on April 20th 2017 my partner and I lost our son, He was still born at 24+ weeks and we have been waiting for the specialist appointment ever since.

When I left hospital I had to have all these tests done at 6/8weeks since losing our son. So after the hospital changed our appointment to three weeks after when it was meant to be, we finally got to see the doctor today.

All the test came back fine and I found out that the blood clot disorder that runs in my mums family which I was tested for while pregnant was actually Positive not Negative that was a shock.

And the specialist said that I did have gestational diabetes this pregnancy and it's a 50% chance I will have it with my furniture pregnancy.

We also learned that it is in fact my cirvix that is weak and I will need a stitch to keep it close for a successful pregnancy, which Im all for to bring a baby home. I had asked my (none specialist) doctor this pregnancy if I needed a stitch because of my first loss but he felt I didn't, kind of wish he did then I would be still pregnant and getting ready to bring our son home he was due on the 8th August.

Our son like his sister was perfect his autopsy came back saying nothing was wrong but that he was born too soon, same as our daughter's autopsy.

So next time I'm pregnant I have to see the specialist all the way through which I'm happy about and he said if I want joint care I can, but I will be going to the specialist and only going to my family doctor for general health things. Yes it's a 4-6 hours trip to the specialist hospital depending on if I go car or public transport, but all my tests will be done there so quicker results and if my doctor wants to hospitalise me at anytime then I will be there and not at my home town or hospital that can't handle high risk pregnancy's.

And I have my parents and my partner's Aunty and grandfather who live near the specialist hospital so won't be alone and mum said I can keep the baby hospital bag at her place ready and just bring mine with me each time I have a appointment as my appointments will be every two weeks, works going to love me NOT! but it's about my family not them.