Cycle after miscarriage?


I had a miscarriage on June 30th. I was 7 weeks along. My doctor assured me that miscarriage among women are more common than not, and usually women don't even realize they were pregnant. They just think their period is heavier than normal. I knew I was pregnant from the day I missed my period. My husband and I have been trying relentlessly for 3 years for baby number 2. (We have a healthy 4 year old daughter. She'll be 5 in September.) He and I never even had a false positive. 3 years of testing, charting, spilled urine, cervical fluid, and tears later..I got my big fat positive. Only to have it taken away 3 weeks after I'd received it.

Anyway, I'm bitter. But we are looking to try again immediately. The doctor said because my miscarriage happened naturally, My body should "reset" itself normally. To expect a cycle between 3-6 weeks later.

My question is, to those who have been through this, how quickly did you get your next cycle? I'm so impatient. I'm charting daily to keep up with cervical fluid, temp, symptoms, etc. No sign of my period so far.

Not sure if it's relevant but..I'm 33. This is the first time I've ever miscarried. (That I know of) I've had one healthy pregnancy. I don't know what to expect from here. I feel lost..out of control. Any advice is welcomed.

_________________EDIT ADDED-7/29/17

I STARTED MY PERIOD! NEVER THOUGHT I'D BE SO HAPPY TO SEE MY PERIOD! Positive vibes and happy thoughts that I actually ovulate afterwards. We definitely want to try again asap. Thanks for sharing all your stories. It's comforting to know I am not alone in this. 😘