weird period month

hi, okay so i've been on birth control for a year and a couple weeks now, i take my pill as i'm supposed to but on July 2nd me and my significant other had unprotected sex, neither one of us finished and no pre-cum was involved at all! it's now July 25th and my brown pills started on sunday now last month my period trued to get caught up with my brown pills and it did but i was spotting a good amount of blood yesterday (July 24th) i put a pad on just because i was sotting at home but when i went to go shower no blood was on the pad? this morning i checked and there's just tons of discharge? i've been cramping and feeling nauseous and my face is breaking out, i'm emotional and craving tons of sweets like i normally do on my period even bloating! i'm just confused on why my period hasn't started...anyone gone through the same thing or have any advice?