

My 8 month old refuses to eat and refuses to sleep. I exclusively pump but have not changed my diet. Every time anybody (me, my husband or MIL) tries to cradle him to feed him, he turns his face into our shoulder or arches his back. We've resorted to feeding him when he's half asleep. We tried letting him play with a favorite toy and a dark room. Solids are a little better. He would eat half an ounce to an ounce of yogurt or congee before he starts to spit his food back out and turn his head. He takes 2 30-minute naps a day but he won't sleep unless he passes out from exhaustion. If I so much as walk to the bedroom with him in my arms, he cries like I'm beating him. He only sleeps 6 hours at night. I'll concerned that he's not getting enough sleep or nutrients. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. TIA