IUD Placement Fears: Calm me down y'all


So after years of never having a "normal" periods (super irregular, heavy, awful cramps, back pain. You name it I experienced it), I was finally diagnosed with PCOS. Since I have already been on numerous BC pills and Depo without any success of regulating my symptoms (I had a 3 month Niagara Falls period on Depo😳), my doctors (yeah, it took a whole team to figure this out) are going to try Mirena. The thing is though, I'm terrified. It seems when I research it all I can are bad experiences and horror stories. I'm having to take Prevara to induce ovulation since they want to place it while I am bleeding, and I already get really severe period cramps. I'm terrified of cramps, of continuing to bleed, of still having nothing working or making it worse. And the thing is, I'm a virgin. I'm still not comfortable with people crawling around my vagina and that's just adding additional anxiety and fear. And to make matters worse, I am gonna have to take myself to the doctors office and drive myself home (and it's over an hours drive).

Y'all, just reassure me that it's going to fix everything and I won't have a bad experience. Make me feel better about this