FTM 4 day old pooping and peeing a lot?!

Abby • 👶🏼 Danny Lee 7/22/17 👼🏼 12/12/17 👶🏻 Deagon Levi 12/17/18 👶🏼 Daxxen 8/15/2020 Army wife 🇺🇸 Breastfeeding Mama 🤱🏼 Natural Birth Survivor x2

So my little guy is 4 days old now and poops and pees a lot! He was a meconium baby, then pooped on daddy at 15 min old and pooped 8-10x first day.. he is now 4 days old and still pooping and peeing 6-10x a day. Is this normal? I have an amazing supply and just wondering is maybe he's getting a lot which is why he's using the bathroom so much or if it means he has an upset tummy? TIA