Plz read and help

Please, read til end... This is my 2nd time getting nexplanon the first time i had it on for almost 2 years had a period every month then got it out, had a baby november 15th 2016, got nexplanon back it January 23rd 2017 havent had a period only once. Latley ive been super fucking moody, like so mad at tired and getting super annoyed with everyone. Idk if its cause the nexplanon, or i might be pregnant or what it is.. also havent been taking my depression meds... im so frustraded.. has anyone got bad mood swings while on this or got pregnant, or stopped having their period... ? Its crazy how moody I am. Like i feel like im falling apart, like i was cleaning my daughter and went to take out a wipe and it tore and i started crying like everything is getting to me and im so overwhelmed.