Baby weight

Emma • 27, London. Work in private childcare as deputy manager. Healthy child practitioner and fire officer.

How long did it take to get the baby weight off and get your body back? It's nearly 6 months since having my son. I had a c-section so was very limited especially with lifting the first few weeks. But after I was healed I still found it hard what with being tired and managing with a baby and adjusting to life as a new mum. I also had gestational diabetes with my son so had to watch what I was eating and drinking. It has gone but I think I kinda craved everything I could not eat like cake and biscuits. I have baby weight but know I have put on some weight but I find it hard to get motivated and it's kinda getting me down. Gym is not really an option as I feel like I would waste money as I have no one to watch my son if I wanted to go. But last time I went to the gym I damaged my knee so have to be careful now.