Mental health day.


My hubby and I lost two babies last year, the most recent being right after Christmas. It's been a long, emotionally draining road . I have a lot of good days but then i get the bad ones, where all I wanna do is sit in a corner and cry. I was having a particularly bad few weeks and I just couldn't get out of my funk, so I decided the best thing I could do for myself was take a road trip, alone.

I drove to West Virginia and spent two days there by myself before my parents arrived from Tennessee. I ate at restaurants, shopped, explored, and went on a 7 mile hike on the Appalachian Trail (and got caught in a monster of a thunderstorm while on said hike.) alllll by myself. It was GREAT!!!

I left West Virginia feeling calm, happy, and in a good place. I needed a few days for myself, free from the stress of work and daily life, free from my wonderful husband, and free from everything that was eating at my soul.

So ladies, if you're finding yourself in a funk, take a mental health day... or two... or ten. Do something that makes you happy. Do something that makes you feel alive. Your mind , body , and soul will thank you.