feeling suicidal

Idk who to turn to anymore. I've been trying to reach out to people but no one is taking me seriously or they're finding ways to vent about their own issues instead of actually listening. I've always been the "strong friend". I'm 7 months pp, I'm a single mom, I work full time and still can't manage to get ahead. I've literally never had issues with depression in the past but all of a sudden I can't do anything right. I feel so selfish but at this point I feel like I'm just living for everyone else. My son is the only thing keeping me going at this point and that's starting to not be enough. Death has never been such a peaceful thought. I'm honestly just venting here. Because no one listens. I've literally told people "I'm depressed and idk what to do" they either laugh it off like I'm joking or Change the subject completely. So I quit.