Jennifer • Wife to the best man alive❤️

I see all these posts talkin bout "show of your man/lady" and "show off your ring" but I know I'm not the only one who wants hear about the story behind all of it!!!

Me and my fiancé have been together for over 3 1/2 years now!! We were best friends for 2 years before we started talking! He approached me one day and confessed his feelings for me, at this time I had never looked at him more than a brother so I quite shocked by this information. I told him I needed some time to think this all through cause he was my best friend and I didn't want to loose him over a stupid, fast decision. I went back and of course, I gave him a shot! On our 2 year anniversary he took me to watch the sunset at the beach where he proposed to me!!! We are now getting married on September 23rd which is 57 DAYS AWAY!! I couldn't be any happier to have him in my life! He makes me smile every single day of my life even through our arguments, he still always lightens up the mood with his gorgeous sense of humor. He is my best friend and I will love him till the end of my existence.